Thursday, March 8, 2012

Post 6: Your choice

 The biggest problem in America today is... people who think they are entitled to everything, and blame their problems on society. Today the world is full of opportunity, and with opportunity comes people who like to twist that opportunity and make it so they can do the LEAST AMOUNT OF WORK! People today have formed ideas that they are entitled to everything that pops in their heads. People demand so much out of this country yet they are not willing to work for it. There are however many people who do work hard and are good Samaritans. I cannot stand when people blame most of their problems on the economy. Yes the economy is not stable at the moment but come on instead of going on strike and demanding more, why don't you work for it like the rest of the functioning community. i cannot fathom enough how hard my parents work, and there are people who make more and still complain that's its not enough. Another thing... stop with the unions that are for jobs other than in coal mines, and dangerous working conditions. 

The thing that annoys me the most is... parents who are afraid of what their kids think of them. It seems that in today's world parents are more concerned with being their kids "friend" then actually laying down the law. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! children should not be able to decide what and when they can do things. Parents today are also extremely selfish and obnoxious. everyone has to conform to their schedule and do what they want. sometimes we need to take a step back and discipline our children. I don't believe in spanking. spanking is such a hypocritical action. for example, if a child hits another kid on the playground, why would you spank them trying to explain well its okay for me to hit you, but its not okay for you to hit other children. This rant is getting a little long but the last thing i cant stand is when fathers where mandles, and parents think just because they have a child they need a big obnoxious minivan. 

Hey, you guys out there, take some advice from a girl... so for all of you guys out there listen to whatever a girl says because they are always right even when their wrong. A piece of advice for guys is when getting dressed in the morning go to your closet and put on a belt, because no its not appealing for us to see your underwear. Also whenever a girl tells you she doesn't want to exchange gifts for a holiday, that's code for "yeah i actually want something really nice i just don't want to say!" Some tips are: stop using slang as a form of dialect, be respectful... ALWAYS, don't overdo the axe because frankly its not a form of taking a shower, call once in a while don't just text, dont be grumpy around us, and no we don't think cursing is cool!

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was rather interesting about what you said about parents. While it is true, when you were a little kid didn't you always try and get whatever you wanted from your parents. I know that I did. I semi disagreed about some of your advice to guys. Nobody can be right all of the time, and if guys just pretend that whatever a girl says is true that will not make for a healthy relationship. I did agree with the part about not being grumpy, because it is annoying to hear somebody complain all of the time.
