Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In today's society people always have thoughts and opinions on how specific genders are supposed to act, feel and live. Sense this blog is about how the stereotypical man and woman are supposed to act it does not reflect my personal views. The American dream is supposed to be consisted of one woman, one man, 2.2 kids, a golden retriever and a white picket fence. More and more people are straying from this so called "dream" because the role of a man and woman change. Women in todays society have numerous roles. Some can be staying home with the children, working as the main bread winner, being a good wife, a good mother, going to college, getting a good job. All of those things are what I believe are expected of the modern woman. Some people who have a little more sexist views might say woman are meant to be seen not heard, working in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, some might even think they would be dependent on men. I believe the expectation for a man has not changed drastically. Stereotypically a man should have a wife and children. But not all men do. Some men are homosexual and live a perfectly normal and happy life with their partner and still do the same things. Men are expected to be "providers," they have to bring home the bacon or make more than the woman or else their capabilities have no meaning. In 2012 women are perceived as strong and independent. Women are having children later and later because they are focusing on making a career for themselves. Men in today's world are perceived as high status and "important." Some advantages of being a women include the bond between a mother and child, getting oppurtunities that a man might not have. Better bathrooms... where ever you go they are at least 40% better then a mens room! haha! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

1. I believe Albert Einstein is more impressive because he wasnt just granted with knowledge. He had to work hard to understand science and its workings. Now im not going to lie... magic is cool especislly if it is real magic, but the tricks the man is performing are not that impressive. If the tricks he was performing were mind boggling then yeah it could be that he is more impressive. The tricks need to seem like they could actually be magic in order to be impressive.

5. Faced with this type of decision... hmmm... Breaking your collar bone is probably painful so i would say yes i would swallow the pill. I don't like allice in chains but I also dont like having my collar bone being broken every three years with a cresant wrench. Music does not play a HUGE role in my life so having to listen to that horriable group occasionally wouldnt be as bad as breaking my collar bone. I would actually prefer to not be with my soulmate if i have to endure these tortures! haha

7. I would deffianately put the loch ness monster in the paper. I mean come on it is THE LOCH NESS MONSTER!!! The president is just undergoing a biopsy. Besides you can always put the president in next weeks paper. The loch ness monster has been a myth for many years and getting the oppurtunity to let everyone know it is a real creature is amazing.

12. I would give the wizard $100. A lot of people would probably say it is unethical to put others under an enchantment spell, but it would give you a little self confidence boost. It's not like you are changing yourself, you are changing how others think of you. You probably will never get a chance like this in your lifetime, so take it!

16. NO! Do not put that game on! If your future consists of Canadian football, being alone, and talking to yourself... don't put that game on. You can't change your future but you can do things in the present to help manage what it will become. That is not a future especially sence I hate football. Canada has brought many good things like Rush, maple syrup, niagra falls and others, but avoid a future like that.

19. This sounds like a recipe for disaster! If it was life or death i would kick them and just tell them that I got up from the couch and forgot they were on the floor and tripped, thus them feeling a kick in the rib. At least they would be alive. Sure the friendship may be ruined but its better then going to a friends funeral when your a teenager.

20. I would see the hollywood movie because I would not like everyone to see how my life has been so far. Life isnt always sweet and I dont want others to see my life and judge me based on a documentary. Although the documentary would be interesting to see what everyone would say! haha